"Des habitudes saines pour reveiller votre potentiel"
Que vous cherchiez à nettoyer un peu votre alimentation, à obtenir des conseils généraux, à augmenter votre niveau d'énergie ou simplement à avoir une relation saine avec la nourriture, VIFIFY SPORTS est là pour vous aider.
En évaluant vos habitudes alimentaires, votre relation avec la nourriture, les macronutriments & équilibre en micronutriments, VIVIFY SPORTS vous apportera des solutions sur mesure pour atteindre vos objectifs.
Besoins en macronutriments
Vitamines & Besoins en minéraux
Suppléments requis
Exigences spécifiques au sport
Conseils de style de vie
Recettes saines
Consignes de contrôle des envies

Le bilan nutritionnel vous permet d'avoir un rendez-vous privé avec Marine pour déterminer vos habitudes alimentaires et comment les améliorer. Ce bilan est suivi d'un coaching diététique de 15 jours pour vous aider dans votre rééquilibrage alimentaire et suivre l'état de votre santé. Vous apprendrez les bases de la nutrition et des conseils pour perdre du poids durablement ou résoudre vos problèmes nutritionnels.
Les consultations diététiques de suivi sont complémentaires au bilan nutritionnel. Ils vous permettent de suivre les changements alimentaires que vous avez pu mettre en place suite aux recommandations de Marine. Elle pourra alors faire le point sur vos objectifs, répondre à vos questions et éventuellement corriger des habitudes alimentaires.
Une consultation de suivi dure 30 minutes. Elle peut être échelonnée à raison d'une consultation par mois selon vos besoins.
The requirements for sports nutrition can vary greatly between sports, depending on the length of the activity, the intensity, training requirements and energy system requirements. Sport-specific nutrition entails a dietary regime that will aid in optimizing sports performance. You can consider food products such as sports drinks, sports bars, sports gels and protein shakes, but in most cases basic nutrition products are just as good (or sometimes even better).
With THE PERFORMING BODY PLAN, you can expect :
Daily macronutrient plan
Daily hydration plan
Daily supplement plan
Competition nutrition plan
Sweat rate test
Glucose sensor monitoring
Immunity management
Weight management
As an athlete, you want to train hard, compete and be successful. Nutrition is almost as important as your training load to bring your performance to the next level. Fuelling for an event can be quite a headache. Remember bonking out half way through your event ?
Let Marine help you to secure optimal performance by building a fuelling plan that is right for you giving you a precise plan to follow based on your sport, gender, weight & metabolism.




Francesco Pippa, Italy
Gravel Cyclist
Thank you Marine for everything we have done together so far. It was a very difficult and tiring journey, but I must say that with your approach you taught me what it means to EAT and have good habits. Now the long-awaited month has arrived, the month where I will face my ultra endurance gravel race. Thanks to your help I'm sure it will go as I expect.

Sean Goggin, Ireland
Road Cyclist
Working with Marine has enhanced my understanding and approach to the type of foods I should be consuming to maximize my performance on the bike. Her personalized plan and support helped me reach my goals and make better food choices. I feel more confident and healthier overall and I would highly recommend working with Marine.

Eleonore Vaillon, France
Leisure Cyclist
I had gotten in touch with Marine to loose a few kilos. I lost 6 kgs in 4 months. She not only made my goal possible but she also increased my energy levels and my general well-being. A very professional nutritionist for sure!

Colum Traynor, Ireland
I would highly recommend Marine and the team in Vivify Sports. The nutrition advice I received for my 70.3 Ironman training & race day resulted in a 30 min PB & I never felt so good on the run leg. Don't waste money on expensive bike kit when you can shave 10 times more time with the right nutrition plan!

Matteo Cigala, Italy
Road & Gravel Cyclist
Working with Marine has helped me increase my endurance and my performance. She has taught me to optimise my nutrition and fuelling to bring out the best of me on the bike. Energy levels increased and no more cramping at the end of races. I think what makes working with Marine so special is that she really focuses on what works for you.

Marine helped me understand in more detail my training needs in relation to food during and after my cycling. Further she provided my clear information on foods that would work for me individually. I'm very happy with the information she provided.
Iwan Harmsen, Netherlands
Road Cyclist

Damian Maloney,Ireland
Road & Leisure Cyclist
My original goal was to shed a few lbs, but the focus shifted to adopting better eating habits and eating better quality food choices. I'm happy to recommend Marine to all who are looking to improve their diet and wellbeing!